Saturday, December 24, 2016

Out of the Dark

Years ago singer Gloria Estefan suffered near  near injuries from an accident that put successful career on hold while she recovered. She spend months learning regaining her ability to walk and perform tasks that most of us take for granted. A few months later she penned the lyrics to the song "Coming out of the Dark."   Mid song the listener hears the following words:

Coming out of the dark, I finally see the light now
It's shining on me
Coming out of the dark I know the love that saved me
You're sharing with me

Although she doesn't necessarily reference faith as the reason to her recovery, after listening to the song one can surely make the connection.  During the next two days it is important for me to reflect on the concept of darkness as well as the idea of light that many theologians and some fellow Catholic bloggers have alluded to as well. 

I find myself longing for Christmas to be over;  not relishing the thought of going near malls, battling the mounting traffic problems, and building resentment of the secularization of Christmas.  This is my personal darkness. I just want all of this to be over so life as normal can carry on. 

The paradox of this darkness is recognizing these feelings. It is here that I truly am united with God, not hiding anything, stripped down of the facade of my humanity.  St John of the Cross stated, "The endurance of darkness is preparation of great light."  Pondering on this I find myself taking inventory of this Advent which was longer than previous ones. There have been times of darkness, whether mulling over buying gifts or dealing with stressful life situations. There have been moments of restrained anger in which I wanted to unleash a barrage on someone who did not conform to my ideals or drove erratically on the freeway. 

Somehow through all of this a light would show inside of me reminding me to be merciful. This spark of life was definitely not of my own. Today looking back, "I finally see the light" as  Estefan sings. It is shining on me and in me. Today being Christmas Eve, " I know the love that saved me." I welcome the light and I will try with the grace of God to truly carry the message of the Good News. 
Blessings to all and may the light of our Savior shine on you and your families. 

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