Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mary and Me: A reflection on a growing relationship with our Blessed Mother

As I have written in previous posts, I struggle with my relationship with Mary. Perhaps it is the idea that a person is without sin.  Maybe it is that Mary as presented just seems so far reaching, so clean for me. Yet I know about her appearances in Fatima and to Juan Diego in Mexico. I know of people who are very dedicated to the Rosary, reciting it daily. So what is the catch? Today being the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, brings me to further reflect on Mary.

The term "immaculate" is defined in multiple ways, but it is the first definition that stands out, "free from flaws."  Since I am personally so removed from that definition it is hard for me to grasp that anyone can fit that classification.  The very thought of this can bring despair as I reflect on how many times daily evil thoughts and actions that are not reflective of being Christian permeate my being.  However, I don't think God really want me to indulge in self-flagellation.  So where do I go? Where does a child go when they have a problem?

Nothing against fathers, but the child seeks their mothers who seem to have a special relationship with their children. They listen, they console, they nurture, and if possible they relay their concerns to the father. Interesting as we in our Catholic faith are taught that Mary intercedes for us to the Father. What better way to ask for help. A mother who is all understanding and also unblemished by sin can pray for me a struggling sinner. A mother born into poverty, who gave her all in order to raise the Son of God, and who watched the heart wrenching persecution of her only beloved son on the cross can even listen to my requests.

I was taught the Hail Mary at a young age and would recite it for years not thinking much about the words. Eventually I fell away from the prayer.  Later on in adulthood I resumed in praying with my children as they grew up, but like many parents, I stopped praying with my children once they reached their teen years.  With that the Hail Mary's stopped as well. Yet the Rosary on my nightstand would beckon me. Although I have picked it up a few times and actually said the Rosary, I have also used it as devotion to the Sacred Heart. Mary is calling me little by little. Knowing that she is the patroness of our nation brings me to further prayer as I view the chaos and turmoil that permeates our daily life. One step closer to a better relationship with Mary.

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