Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Story is Not Over


This weekend the most recent series of Star Wars movies Solo: A Star Wars Story was released. I am old enough to remember the original Star Wars: Episode 4 released in 1977.  It seems that this series will continue on with new characters or different versions of the original ones. Our world is populated with Star Wars fans young and old, but the discipleship passes from generation to generation as people my age have passed their dedication to the series to their children who then have passed their own faithfulness to their children. The story seems to never end nor does the dedication to the saga. As of early this morning 81% of Google users gave it a thumbs up.  So what can we take from this?

Being a casual follower of the characters and even of the eleven releases, I can see the connection with today's Gospel in which Jesus gives the disciples their marching orders to spread the word and make disciples of all nations.(MT 28:19).  We see this in the many people who as mentioned above spread the word of the saga to others. Some become ardent fans and others fall away. If one were to look at the various releases and the commentary on the religious connections they would spend hours reading from lay people to religious experts on the forces of good and evil, laying down ones life for another (Yoda), Darth Vader redeeming himself, and of course the saying, "May the force be with you." The last one is a running joke among Catholics who quickly respond to their Star War friend, "and also with you."


The reoccurring themes of fear and courage resonate throughout the series as Luke is faced with the daunting challenge of leading the Federation against the Evil Empire in what is seen as an exercise in futility. However, spurred the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi he leads the Rebels on a successful attack of the Death Star. Faced with equally daunting odds of the chaos in our own world, including rejection of Church teachings, governments that support suppression of rights for all people, the incessant clamor for material items such as phones, TVs, video games, a social media culture that is more about taking down and edifying, etc. 

Moses tells the Israelites in the first reading (DT 4:32) that there is no other God but the one Lord and this God is with you always even in the midst of difficult times. He enjoins them to follow the commandments and statutes so that they the people and their children may prosper. Rings familiar to some of the themes in Star Wars.

Paul also provides inspiration with his message, " For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but received the Spirit of adoption..." (ROM 8:14).  I find that fear inhibits me from speaking out about my faith especially when people attack the Church. I lack the courage to promote the goodness of the Church especially when people recount their negative experiences with Catholic schooling or teachings in general.  This is in part to wanting not to stand out as one of those Catholics who adheres to the teachings of the faith.  I am like Luke in a way with much doubt. I don't realize the power of the sword as the spirit works in me.


We are not alone in this trek. There are many among us who hold faith that all things are in God's hands, and as such we are not to slink back and become wallflowers. This being said the challenge is not to try to conquer everything at once which happens when we look at the big picture  The disciples we remember began with a small group. We know the rest of the story.

I was reminded of this when this past week when at our church's men's meeting of which I am a co-leader, there was talk of how to proceed on a regular basis. We have been on a hiatus due to lack of interest for over a year but were able to bring in Fr. Jack Stoeger to speak. He provided inspiration for us to carry one despite the small numbers and our own residing priest gave us some ideas to continue as well.  His overarching message was to let go and let God. A moment of clarity for me for as person who is a control freak and desires that everything be a raging success in order to appease me ego. Discipleship and the building of community is through the Spirit and most of the time I see that Spirit is working through others.

Fr. Jack concluded his talk with the final words that Jesus spoke to the disciples, "I am with you always."  Despite the sufferings and challenges we might encounter it is the knowledge that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is with us. It than becomes incumbent that we take time to recognize this in quiet time and prayer. And just as importantly for me is to recognize that the Holy Trinity is not exclusive, but can be found in all people and in all things good. May the Force be with you.

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