Sunday, March 26, 2017

Reflections on Spiritual Circuitry


I wrote earlier today of trying to carry out the message of Jesus in today's readings. But as I sat in church before Mass the following thoughts came to me.  A circuit firing if you would.  Fortunately I had my Mass journal with me as I do every Sunday to make note anything that would deepen my spiritual journey. So here are my thoughts that I jotted down as I reflected on what was to be read later on in the Mass. Some of these musings were the benefit of an earlier meditation.

A light can only function if its circuitry is properly connected. Thus I cannot be a light if God has chosen me if my wires are crossed or disconnected (sin). Reflecting on this I can see that God had a road for me to take, but He allowed me to journey along other roads which led to despair and emptiness. My circuitry need to be properly wired or replaced before He sent me on my way to do His will.


This all made sense as I wrote for I needed to replace a faulty head lamp on my car as it was dimming to the point of barely being seen. For fear of being pulled over I headed to the local auto parts store to buy a replacement.  If a bulb burns out it is need of a replacement. Spiritually speaking one must make their way to the store (God) for prayer, a retreat, or reconciliation and become reenergized. A flickering light is usually losing its power and is no longer a source of light. The same can be said for one's spiritual journey.

In looking at a light switch when it is turned on the power surges through the wires to light up a room that may be dim or completely dark. When the circuitry is opened up I can provide light to others, but when my circuit is off I then provide doom, darkness and despair.


Given to reflection and meditation at times can bring the darkness of anger, resentment and a whole host of other sins. This was brought to light by our pastor this morning. But as he said if we are open to God's light the areas that need to be addressed the most in our lives are revealed.  Thus the paradox of finding light. The circuit is shut off, the room is dark, the mind swimming in the abyss. Suddenly a an area of our life that is need of work is revealed.  

Making the changes in these areas is similar to that of changing faulty wires. The bulb burns brighter perhaps not as 20 watts, or 30 watts, but as a floodlight. This is God working through us. If we look at today's Gospel, we have been washed by this mixture of dirt and water so that we can better see. The scales have fallen off the eyes so that we can see as God wants us to. But as with anything God provides it is contingent upon on our spiritual health. Rewiring and changes bulbs is always prudent when one feels dim and or is misfiring.  And yes I successfully replaced my head lamp with the assistance of  a YouTube video. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This might be a short piece, but definitely a powerful one, Chris. I am so grateful that when we are disconnected from God, we can avail ourselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

    Thank you so much for linking this up with the 40 Days of Seeking Him. If you have some new ones, I hope you'll have a chance to link up this week at


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