Sunday, March 26, 2017

Walking in the Light


One of most challenging things I find in living out the Gospels is to be a child of light.  Today's Gospel passage reinforces the task of living a Christian life. Most people are familiar with the storyline of how Jesus puts mud on the man's eyes, sends him to the Pool of Siloam, and the man returns being able to see. The passage provides a variety of lessons for those struggling to live out the Gospel, beginning with doubting the power of Christ, fear of acknowledging Christ, and an opportunity to examine our conscience as Christians.      


Subsequent passages focus on the Pharisees questioning the man  as to who healed him, then going to the man's parents, and a second time back to man still refusing to believe that Jesus could do such a thing. The poor man states at one point incredulously, "If this man were not of God, he would not be able to do anything." Definitely worth pondering. Despite hearing of miracles and maybe observing how others have been transformed we can still doubt the power of God.

But lost in this passage is the exchange of the man's parents with the Jews in which they after being questioned about their son's blindness reply, "Ask him, his is of age; he can speak for himself." (JN 9:21) This response was made because the parents were afraid that if they acknowledged the power of Christ their son would be expelled from the synagogue. Here lies the challenge. I find that is easier for me to ignore the teachings and the task of living out the Word of God especially when confronted with difficult conversations with colleagues, friends and family for fear of what might be said about me or what actions people might take if I do speak up. I am much like the parents with one exception, I am protecting myself.


Paul exhorts us to live as children of light. If I am trapped in my fear of how people might judge me according to my actions and words I am thus in the dark.  I am not allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to shine through. I am much like clouds that gradually cover the moonlight.
Each subsequent action in which I am given an opportunity to speak or demonstrate the power of the living Christ and instead cover my eyes with the mud of darkness as if not to acknowledge the way of light, I become like the Pharisees.
Blinded by my own fear and insecurities I can find only one hope. I must awake from my internal darkness and allow Christ to give me light.


Paul again in Ephesians prods the early Christians to learn what is pleasing to the Lord (EPH 5:10).  He tells them to expose the works of darkness. First I begin with myself. Some of my thoughts I would rather not acknowledge to anyone, but here is where the Sacrament of Reconciliation is so liberating once taken seriously (for I did not always do so).  Freed of the bondage of sin I become empowered with the true Light.  Despite the crashing waves around me of worldly chaos and general abhorrence of Church teachings I can become a light to others as Christ will give me light. One cannot walk in darkness unless they have light. 


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