Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Patience of God

Throughout today's readings the theme of patience appears. It seems no matter what God will patiently wait until the time is right and then they will be rewarded. In Ezekiel the Lord tells the people I will open your graves and have you rise from them (EZ 37:12). Paul's letter to the Romans talks of the body being dead, but the Spirit providing life(ROM 8:8). And finally in John Jesus's patience is keenly demonstrated as he waits for Lazarus to pass away and then despite protests from his disciples, returns to Bethany to resurrect Lazarus (JN 11).  The word patience has its origins from 12th century according to the website Online Etymology Dictionary. It refers to patience as the   "quality of being willing to bear adversities, calm endurance of misfortune, suffering." How contradictory is this definition to the secular society today. Moreover, how challenging is this to one who attempts to live out their Christian faith. 


I know that I am not a very patient person. I cannot wait for someone to finish talking so that I can get my word in. I fret over traffic signals that seem to take an eternity. I don't like waiting for water to boil for my pasta or rice. And at times I can't wait for the day to end. 

What is interesting is watching other people being impatient. Over the last few weeks I have watched the NCAA basketball tournament. I was mesmerized by the panel of analysts who were talking about the games in progress or that had just ended.  Many of them were tapping their fingers or fidgeting with their pens as their colleagues were talking. They could not wait to jump in to get respective point heard. Sometimes the segment ended and they were left silent. I am sure they were able to talk off the set about their take on the situation. 

However despite all of this I just cannot see God tapping a pencil as he waits for me to fall in line, to rid myself of the many sins that bind me. If so he would go through lots of pencils. Instead taking the various passages of Scripture today mercy and patience prevail. Despite the fact that it took over half of my adult life to figure out that God was being patience with me as I drifted.

We hear of the patience of Job and how he endured despite his friends who mocked him. Suffering patiently is not something most people long for. Our nation and world is full of problems that can be directly attributed to the lack of patience and mercy as well as suffering. So-called mercy killings and over-medicating are rampant problems. Suffering patiently is contrary to societal norms. However, there are those standout, who take on roles of caring for those with dementia, care for the disabled, poor and those on the fringes of society. They themselves are models of patience living out the example of the Gospel. 


I somewhat  understand the idea of patience and mercy.  I pray for patience as I drive, I pray to be a better listener, I pray to be patient and merciful with those around me.  I pray and I pray. Sometimes  there is a breakthrough, other times I see that those faults which I so desperately want remedied seem to take forever. This is a chance for further reflection. Jesus waited quite a while for Peter to figure things out so I see myself in Peter at times. God waited many times for the Jews to follow the teaching of prophets so I also see myself in the Jews who seemed to wander aimlessly in the desert.  Through the workings of the Spirit I am redirected as I veer off the path.  My faith tells me that Jesus is waiting for me patiently as he did for the four days to cure Lazarus.  I hope that there many others as well with me. 

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes struggle with patience. Ironically, people perceive me as a patient person. But, there are times when waiting is too hard to do.

    Thank you so much for linking up with 40 Days of Seeking Him last week. If you have anything else that fits for the last days of Lent or Easter, feel free to add it here:


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