Sunday, October 22, 2017

Of Taxes and God


I find the idea of an angry Jesus intriguing. For me it I see God's only son as quite human and in the case of the disciples of the Pharisees and Herodians deceitfully questioning Jesus about taxes his reaction demonstrates that. And of course what can incite a heated conversation in our nation, but that of taxes, or most recently symbols.

But understanding that the coin that Jesus refers to was a tribute to Cesar is important. The coin was part of a financial system that was part of the Roman Empire, and Jesus does not dispute that. So in a manner his lack of an answer is quite typical of Christ, that is asking to examine one's motives of such a question.  Where does one most important tribute reside?


In our nation symbols have come front and center to the public arena and rightfully so as debate can draw on a healthy conversation about justice. However, I am not going to even try to address that, but instead focus on our most important tribute, that of God.

It is quite easy to become to be embroiled in the various debates that inundate our daily life, but in I think Jesus response , “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” pretty much sums up the idea that we should focus on the things of God most importantly (MT 22:21). This becomes a question of loyalty in a way. Are we focusing on how we can best serve God or are we focusing more on worldly things. 


I believe that if we take a close look at what is going on in our nation with the controversy over the national anthem, the flag and taxes, and then actually listen to the Gospel readings, Jesus is talking to us. Amidst all of these debates where do our loyalties lie? Do we spend as much time reading, watching, talking about or listening to these issues as we do with God?  A quick inventory is always helpful. 

Do I find myself becoming exceedingly focused on any of these issues in comparison to the amount of time that I pray? Do I find myself gravitating compulsively to the latest news story about the issue (my answer is yes at times)? Have I made these controversies a god in themselves by allowing them to dictate my actions. Do I bow to every comment made by a pundit and find myself angry and resentful?

Being it a weekend in the United States of course there is football and the Fall Classic, the WorldSeries. Perhaps an inventory of how much time one spends following these sports in comparison to time in prayer or even confession and Mass is in order as well. All this being said I believe that Jesus is issuing a challenge to us. The question is are we listening?

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