Sunday, October 15, 2017

An Open Invitation


Much has been written about today's Gospel verse about the banquet from preparing for Mass to making ourselves ready for the ultimate eternal banquet, heaven. From childhood banquets meant either sports or Boy Scouts.  The food wasn't very good (remember that banquet chicken and mashed potatoes) but it was a chance to celebrate with teammates or fellow Scouts accomplishments over the past year.  There was never a thought of turning down an invitation to the banquet as it was a big occasion.

Parenthood brought more banquets as my children were good athletes and students. Once again it was an occasion to dress nicely and to mingle. And yes the food usually was bland, but that was not the focus. It was about celebrating successes both as team and individual performances.  An invitation to the banquet meant making sure that all other events were put aside.


Every Sunday we receive an invitation to join in the most important banquet. The question lies in whether we are ready to participate. In many Third World nations going to Mass is quite a festive occasion where the congregants dress in their true Sunday best. Masses are not the customary one hour celebration that are the norm in the United States, but in some African parishes a three hour event. This brings me to the question of how ready are we? Are we hungry for the Eternal Word and Eucharist? My point in this piece is not a condemnation, but of a reflection on how one can become a fully engaged participant in the eternal banquet.

I would like to think that I am ready when I enter the doors of the Church. Over the years I have become more conscious of how I dress as living in Southern California it is quite easy to fall into the trap of dressing quite casual when going to Mass. I have to remind myself that I have been given an invitation to celebrate with hundreds of others in the banquet of life and the least I can do is dress nicely. 

I also have taken a page from Matthew Kelly's book Rediscovering Catholicism in which he makes it clear that we have to spiritually prepare before going to Mass. Reading the Scriptures before actually stepping foot into Church allows for the word to take root especially if one takes time to talk or even write about it. Kelly also promotes the idea of taking a Mass journal into church and taking notes as the celebration takes place.  I have actually done this quite often and find it rewarding as it allows for me to then write later. It is much like a class and I am the student looking for ways to apply the experience in my own life. 

For me it is important to make sure I am not distracted during the time in Mass. I always find it interesting how people use their cell phones to text during Mass. I liken this to a Simpson episode to when Homer in listening to a football game during church suddenly yells out "they scored!" I once heard a priest quite poignantly say that unless God is calling on your phone, you should stay focused on the Mass. 


What takes place on Sunday as well as daily Mass is not just contained with in the doors of church.When we receive the dismissal we are told to "Go out and proclaim the good news." Life itself is a feast of its own and we are extended the full invitation to live it out. The very fact that we have been given life is an invitation by God. In a way we are asked to dress up in the form of how we carry ourselves exteriorly.  We are provided with the choice wines and rich food (IS 25:6) to nourish us so that we do not hunger by the way of our daily experiences with our fellow invitees. Given strength by this food we attempt to life to the fullest, much like one would fully participate in a banquet feast with dancing, food, and fellowship. We may have both experience of living in abundance and of being in need (PHIL 4:12). Whatever our circumstances may be we will fully supplied as Paul states. 

The key is not to reject this invitation on Sunday even though we labored during the work week and we may be tired, but to prepare along with host for this celebration. What can we bring to the celebration? What can we wear?  There should be an excitement in attending such an event. After all it is ultimate celebration of life and we as a the Body of Christ should be joyous that we are among those chosen (MT 22:13).

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