Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fear and Pentecost

Hiding in the house for the fear of what might become of them Jesus' followers were suddenly overcome by Holy Spirit. What they then go on to do through discipleship is build the Church. Pope Francis in his "Joy of the Gospel" encourages us to fully arm ourselves before we go into battle.  Otherwise lacking confidence we are destined to defeat.  Much like our brothers and sisters of old we are faced with a skeptical and cynical world which decries the teachings of Jesus and the Church.  Are we to remain in our houses for fear of what others might think of us if we do proclaim the Gospel?  Are we to appear under the influence as some described in Acts, "they have had too much wine," and then use that very fear of being judged as a deterrent of what we are being called to do.

Pope Francis calls upon the word of St. Paul "My grace is sufficient for you , for my power is made perfect in weakness" in the Joy of the Gospel.  He implores us not to take upon the spirit of defeatism.  Although not under the persecution suffered by others in nations in which Christians come under the threat of death for religious practices, we in our nation have become mired in a malaise that can be just as deadly.  I am very much guilty of this in many areas of my life whether at home at or at work. I tend to sanitize my beliefs instead of taking to the road as the early Christians did.  One of my favorite Christian musicians Ike Ndolo sings in his song "At the Sound" in the first line "We will stand for you." What is preventing me from doing this. Saint Francis said, "Preach the Gospel and when necessary use words." Is it the fear of words that I may use? It is the fear of rejection for my beliefs and my convictions no matter what the cost? It is how this may affect my reputation? For me it is all of these. Maybe looking at the words of St. Francis and preaching by my actions is the easier route? Following Jesus and proclaiming the Gospel is not easy in this day and age.  Realizing that I cannot do this on my own and calling on the Holy Spirit is the key. Surrendering my will and my ego brings me in communion with will of God and then, and only then am I ready to step out. 

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