Saturday, February 28, 2015

What is Love?

Reflecting on the readings this week we see Jesus without explicitly stating what his actions were or even using the word revealing love. In Monday's reading found in Matthew, Jesus talks of feeding and providing to those who have little or nothing.  A closer look at the Lord's prayer in which Jesus says "If you forgive men their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive yours."Even in the story of Jonah, which Jesus alludes in Luke 11:32  to the idea that "there is something greater than Jonah here." My take on this is that for me to love I must recognize that Jesus is greater than myself and allow him to live in me.  Thursday's reading explicitly commands us to "do to others whatever you would have them do to you." Friday we focus on reconciliation in Matthew  5:20-26 and today we are told to love our neighbor.

Yes love is in the air, but how can I love with such turmoil in the world.  On my daily commute how can I love the driver who cuts me off or speeds up dangerously behind me, causing me to throw up my hands in anger? How can I love those in my workplace that are in a perpetual state of anger or seem not to care about their work? How do I love those who can make my job difficult? The Jackie DeShannon song "What the World Needs Now" comes to mind. "Not just for some, but for everyone," the refrain is repeated.

I can love those close to me most of the time, but at times I am not in a loving mood, so what makes me change? A reflection of God's grace to me as a sinner is place to start. In my day to day commute or interactions another prayer asking for patience, tolerance and acceptance works when I make the time to do so. Perhaps the passage in Thessalonians 5:17-18, "pray incessantly" is what is being asked of me. If so I may find my answer.

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