Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Call

As we reflect on today's readings it is clear that the message resonates with a call. That call seems to be an imperative and requires action.  Whether it is Jonah wandering through Nineveh, Paul's proclamation to the Corinthians or Jesus proclaiming the Gospel in Galilee there is a call. Repentance is the answer.  The people of Nineveh heeded the call to conversion of heart when their immediate future was at stake. Paul uses similar words in saying that "the world in its present form is passing away. Simon and  Andrew leave their life-long work as fisherman as do James and John.  Their immediate actions of leaving both their work and families behind may seem a bit extreme, but the message is there, "Come after me." Looking at this in today's world is difficult. Take for example Andrew and Simon. They may have been hard workers and in today's terms married to their work, but they chose a new calling. Are you married to your work? Is it your life, your identity, your pride? Having struggled with this myself, I increasingly try to allow Jesus guide me in this area, consecrating each day to him, attempting to follow his call. The call to repent follows me as well. There are plenty of areas in my life which require reflection and the willingness to change. This only comes with God's infinite grace.  Yes time is of the essence and I must take Jonah's and Paul's words seriously if I am to answer that call. May the Grace of of our Savior provide you with that call.

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