Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Sending Jesus Away

Markus Dallarosa [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


Being a soccer fan I am quite familiar with the red card. It means that a player is being sent off the pitch and out of the game for a foul or behavior that is not conducive to the game. In the daily game of life I have to take a look at whether I am serving as the referee and sending Jesus away not for  a foul, but asking me to do something seemingly radical such as love a person who is difficult or embrace a challenging moment.  At some in one's spiritual journey the realization that the presence of Jesus can be ignored or cast out much like the villagers of Gadarenes in today's Gospel becomes real.  Think of the course of day when you become so immersed in work, worry, or other world obsessions that although someone may be calling on you for a minute of your time or even just a small amount of needed attention, how do you react?  Are you like the referee pulling the card and expelling the person from the game?


The Gospel story today demonstrates a couple of interesting points. Most people are familiar with the demoniacs being sent into the swine who then plunge into sea and drown. However the fact that the demoniacs recognized Jesus as the Son of God presents an interesting question. Why is it that possessed person recognized the Jesus as such and were aware of this power? Could it be that people seemingly afflicted are aware of the awesome power of God and those in the mainstream of life are not? Since I am not an expert on such a topic, but am aware of the power of recovery programs as well as those that have overcome serious illness I think there is something to be found here.


Looking at the response of the villagers who want nothing to do with Jesus is another story. It is quite easy to become comfortable with life and not any to recognize the power of God in daily events, nor even acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit and the infinite mercy and love that is showered upon us. Having Jesus present in our life means a radical change in how we interact with others, how we view the world around us. It is easier to avoid this than it is to make the change.  This can be said about our vices as well. To give up these things that are a constant thorn in our side and lead us down a slippery road means taking up the cross to recognize the negative power they have in our life. These vices aren't hurting anyone or I can give it up without any problem is a common reaction to those trying to assess the impact of a harmful habit such as overeating, drinking, drug use and the like.  Even seemingly benign habits such as binge watching favorite TV series and video gaming are very much a form of escapism. Send Jesus someplace else as I have not time for him nor religion is quite evident in our society today.

"I would rather die than give up this habit" or as the demoniac said, "send us into the swine." This seems to be the easy way out. Jesus provides for a way out as long as are willing to take up the cross and follow him through the narrow gate. The cross of our burdens, sins, and difficulties can just as easily abandoned to the wider road of excuses and general apathy when it comes to hearing the call. Moreover, it can be just as easy to be like the villagers in sending Jesus away when it comes to difficult topics dealing with our faith.  It doesn't take long for me to realize that I am indeed one of the villagers when addressing the preservation of life along with those Church teachings that people find out of date and not conforming with today's society.  Notice that not a single person asks Jesus to stay.  Apparently they were quite comfortable with their current life and most likely having heard from the shepherds about Jesus power would mean a radical change.


Jesus at this point in his ministry was being questioned as he exhibited power not seen before in the area and yet there were many who were not ready to accept who he was. Who is this man who can calm seas, cure the sick, and read the thoughts of skeptics? I don't need much convincing for the most part. It is clear that he is clearly the Son of God and that with him anything is possible. What I need to wary of is dismissing him and his love for me a perennial sinner. I don't need a red card or even a yellow card, I can just as easily toss him aside as I become preoccupied with my problems and the world around me or I can embrace my need for him in every situation and let him guide me along my journey. 

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