Sunday, February 5, 2017

Light Uncovered


There is a saying lead with your weakness which in itself does not fit the the rugged determination and individualism our society projects upon us. However, as Christians this is what we are called on to do. In both the first reading and the Gospel the term light is used as a way of the demonstrating that one can bring life to an otherwise dark world. This light can only be lit when one approaches God in their fragile human condition and like Paul admits to their weakness and fear.  There is something quite attractive about a person who is authentic and understands their human condition which is probably why Paul was so successful.


Isaiah talks of sharing your bread in the first reading. Getting out of one's self by helping others is the best remedy for selfishness and self-centeredness. Throughout history people such as Mother Teresa, St Francis, and of course Paul have found a way to share Christ by first understanding their own vulnerability and thus being able fulfill their earthly mission. I find that no matter what my problems are there is no better way of escaping that self-pity and why me attitude than being open to aiding others no matter what their plight is.  They allow the light to permeate their being. 

In a previous post I mentioned Shelene Bryan whose book provides a wealth of ideas to incorporate into ones life that correspond with Isaiah's exhortation.  For one who can easily be consumed by work and the insanity of the world around me, I found some great ideas that help me realize that the world is not limited to my problems.


"You are the salt of the earth," said Jesus to his disciples. As someone who enjoys cooking I think of salt as the flavor enhancer. For those who love French Fries, think of eating them without the salt. Just a bland taste of potato. 

Think of yourself as the salt in the salt shaker being sprinkled on those fries or any other food enhanced by salt. Each of those granules comes to rest upon the food creating a tasty attractive meal, although not the most healthy if over done.  Each personal interaction we have is much like the granule. Likewise in spiritual terms if God has bestowed a specific talent(salt) on a person they are then to go out among others and put it to work. 

However, just like the salt that loses taste, one can also become deadened to the Christian life. A lack of a prayer life, spiritual reading, and being overcome by secular humanism is a great recipe for this way of life. Thus, there is a need for spiritual salt. 


As a teacher I ask my students to evaluate my teaching at the end of semester. The idea came from about ten years ago from another teacher who frequently blogged about having students critically look at his teaching.  Believe me this wasn't easy, for as a veteran teacher it is not too difficult to think that you have it all figured out and there is no need to for input. 

This exercise done twice a year gave me a chance to evaluate myself and step down off the pedestal that students naturally place teachers on as the all-knowing of disposer of facts. In the perspective of today's readings, I could not really expect my students to better connect with me unless I became vulnerable. Once unmasked as a teacher but presented to the students as a human being with a long list of weaknesses I was able to better connect with my pupils.  

I have found that works just as well with my role as a parent in that when I falter with angry words or actions.  The bushel must be taken away so that I can be human and light to my own children, not just the authoritative figure who imposes unfair rules (the children's words) and makes their life difficult. Of course they are now grown and see the light of my ways. 


During this time of winter in the Northern Hemisphere most crops are dormant unless you happen to live in an area where the sun is a constant beacon even in short hours of day. As a gardener I grow very little due to the lack of light and heat. I look forward to the Spring when I start the tomatoes, beans, peppers, and other crops from seed as the soil warms. The figurative bushel basket is taken away as the seeds germinate and burst through the soil soon becoming a productive food crop. 

Much like the crops which only grow in the assigned season, can I only be a light to others when I myself allow light in. For me the light is the Word and the unconditional love of God. May you be a shining light to others today. 

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