Sunday, December 17, 2017

Let's Get Excited Just A Little Bit


"I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it." The opening line to the pop hit Let's Get Excited from the Pointer Sisters in 1982. I particularly liked this song because it seemed to bring life to dances and weddings that I attended during that decade. An energy came upon the people and it seemed no one was afraid to demonstrate their dancing abilities good or not.  And here we are at Guadete Sunday not hitting the dance floor, but in full swing of Advent season. For me it is a time of deep reflection about my spiritual path and if I am truly excited about the coming of our Savior.

Just a day ago my adult son asked me if I get excited about anything. He pointed out that I seem to be pretty low key even about the impending trip to see my mother. Over the years he has reminded me that I don't get excited about much, even when our favorite sports teams win a championship. He asked me if I was excited when he and his sister were born. "Of course," I replied and the conversation moved on to my wedding day. "Well, I was too drained to be very excited as I was quite busy with shuttling relatives and picking up arrangements," I responded. No I guess I don't get excited about much or maybe I just am guarded about it.


So this morning meditating on Paul's message to the Thessalonians (1 THES 5:16) I was once again forced to address the question, " Am I excited about Jesus coming?"  Can I rejoice?  For me this has been a difficult year reckoning with health issues and the general breakdown of our political system and it seems society as a whole. Sometimes I am not in joyful mood. However, at Mass our exuberant pastor told the congregation we should be joyful just being able to celebrate every Sunday. As many of us know celebrating Mass, taking communion, or even professing our Catholic faith, is a danger in some nations around the world. His message struck a chord with me.  I am joyful about the fact I with my family can attend Mass with people who are celebrating the life of Christ. Some of these people have become close friends and have watched my children grow. Others I have bonded with in working together for various groups supporting the parish. I am joyful that I can go to Mass daily if I have the time.  And the list goes on.


I may not be the most excitable person in the world but internally I am joyful when I take the time to reflect. I can't dance with the energy of the Pointer Sisters song anymore, but I can spread my joy in my interactions with family members. Although most of the time begrudgingly I can give thanks in all circumstances for I know that there is reason and season for all things. Perhaps I am also asked to bring joy to others less fortunate in whatever way.  Living in California so many of the citizens have been devastated by the relentless torrent of fires that continue to hamper our state. There are a multitude of opportunities that avail themselves to me if only I pray for the ability to be open to the Spirit.

Finally as I concluded my meditative session in early hours I realized that I am quite joyful about the opportunity of the daily time that God has graced me with in order that I can become closer to him. This alone should be my primary joy. Rejoice always as the Almighty has done great things for me. A consideration as I live out the rest of Advent.

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