Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Trinity

I never really understood the concept of the Trinity which makes it more difficult to explain.  I guess that is why it is sometimes referred to as the Mystery of the Trinity.  After many years of struggling with the idea of a triune God I gradually began to understand it my own layman's terms.

 I remember our table blessings of the "Father, Son and Holy Ghost."  I was always confused by this. Why would God send a ghost to his people.  As a child I could only reconcile this with as a message that the ghost would scare children into doing the right thing.  Nobody could quite explain this in a manner which I as a child could understand.  The phrase itself was just repeated nightly before we ate.  I can't quite remember when the terminology changed to "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Without me understanding why, this blessing become part of our daily ritual at home.

Fast forward a few decades and my understanding although somewhat shallow, now is more clear.  The idea that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one is easier to grasp with daily scripture readings and meditation.  I have come to believe that the Spirit works within me daily as is as referred to as the Advocate.  Moreover, through God's infinite mercy and love he sent his Son to help mankind, to redeem us who are forever lost without his teachings.  Still I struggle with the earthly comprehension of the triune God.  When I allow the Spirit to work within me I receive a glimpse, if only minimal of the mystery.  Thus I defer to those better suited to explain the Holy Trinity.

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