Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lord I am Not Worthy ...

As I reflect on today's reading, the one that struck me the most was from Deuteronomy.  Many people have suffered afflictions or endured hardship and as such have overcome these trials by surrendering to the will of God.  Thus we are fed with manna, the grace, the word, the love of God. No longer relying on self-will or human strength these people seek a power unknown to many humans. The paradox of human life can be evidenced by those who may have been lost in the desert of this world, the parched materialistic world we live in, and those who have manna.  Forgetting that God is the source of our life is much like the Jews who soon forgot the water and food that was providing to them.  Thus we become slaves.

The source of our life is our Lord. In frequently receiving communion we become one with Lord.Participating in communion as Paul states in Corinthians 10, we become one with Christ.   As I reflect on receiving communion and the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, I find myself in awe of the One who gave himself for my sins.  I am not worthy to receive You but only say the word and I shall be healed.  Approaching the altar I must humble myself to receive Him.  I believe You are the true bread of life, help me in my unbelief.

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