Monday, May 12, 2014

The Good Shepherd

As we continue the good shepherd narrative in John, we hear Jesus talking of the hired hand in comparison to the good shepherd.  If we think of the hired hand who works for pay and has no concern for the flock and apply it to today's world, we see the hired as today's materialistic world has no concern about the greater good but only for the individual.  The hired hand works for pay which is a temporal reward as it is with all the worldly goods that surround us.  Yet these goods and riches are fleeting, never satiating the thirsty soul.

The good shepherd is willing to lay his life for the flock and pursue those who run away.  Furthermore he will aid those in distress.  Think of the popular picture of the shepherd who holds the lamb as he returns to the flock. Jesus will go to the farthest depths of our souls no matter how far we wander from him.  He will gently bring us back to the fold where we will find rest for our weary souls.  By offering Himself for our brokenness and sinfulness he thus brings us back and will do so no matter how many times we wander.  As sheep are sheared the dirty wool falls off to expose and bright white unblemished skin.  Let it be with us so that the Shepherd of life can clean us of our heavy wool laden with sin so that we can become new.

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