Friday, May 2, 2014


Today's Readings Acts 5 John 6

Although the multiplication of loaves is a well known story, let us take a closer look at the interaction between Jesus, Philip and Andrew.  Philip doubts that there is enough food to feed the throng that has assembled.  Not quite knowing the power and love of Christ, his faith in what Jesus is about to partake in is minimal.  "Give us this day our daily bread." Jesus is about to feed the crowd not only with food but of himself.  Words we come to know Jesus by, yet many times we question Jesus or fret we do not have enough money, food and worldly possessions.  Jesus knowing what we need will always provide for us in his great and infinite love.  Andrew also questions "what good is these five loaves and two fish for so many?" When we see what Jesus does in that what he gives is visible in our worldly possessions and daily sustenance, but also in that which is invisible, namely his grace, healing and his body for our sins can we not pause and rejoice.  "Give thanks to the Lord with a ten string harp" (Psalm 33) says the psalmist today.  Can we not redistribute what Christ has given us in love and compassion for others?

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