Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Harsh Words and a Challenge

It is easy to read the bible as a story and skip the sections that make one uncomfortable.  Today's Gospel passage is one of those that can be overlooked in its application. I have heard Matthew's verse for many years, but never really thought that indeed Jesus may be talking to me.  It was just another passage in which Jesus was pointing to those who were in power their hypocrisy.  There the word. No one wants be called a hypocrite.  The dictionary provides a couple of definitions: 1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess; 2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

So if I am in the crowd that Jesus addressed what am I thinking? Do I act as if I am on a high moral ground or do I seek public approval according an attitude to gain platitudes? Upon examination I can find these faults fairly easily in myself.  In our media saturated society reading or watching the news I am forever condemning those who fall mightily. I may appear like a whitewashed tomb borrowing Matthew's words, but my inner thoughts and at times my words indicate otherwise.  So where is the relief?

For me the passage is a challenge. In today's Psalm the response is, "You have searched me and you know me, Lord." Yes the Lord knows me.  As the psalmist continues "if I sink to the nether world, you are present there" and again "If I say, "surely the darkness shall hide me, and night shall be my light." Jesus is there with me wherever I go.  All I must do is recognize that and clean my cup of my soul daily and be renewed.

Back again to the me standing in the crowd Jesus is addressing. I cringe at the harsh words because He is addressing me, but I take relief because I the voice is calling me.

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